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Children treated before showing SMA symptoms (presymptomatic)

Lucy has 2 copies of SMN2  gene
Treated at 1½ months old

Children treated before showing SMA symptoms (presymptomatic)

ZOLGENSMA® (onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi) has been clinically proven to stop the progression of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and stop motor neuron loss with just one dose.

ZOLGENSMA was studied in children who were not showing symptoms (presymptomatic) of SMA in a trial called SPR1NT. The trial studied the safety and efficacy of ZOLGENSMA in children with 2 and 3 copies of the SMN2  backup gene. The main goal of this study was to see the number of children who could sit for 30 seconds or more (for children with 2 copies) and stand without support for 3 seconds or more (for children with 3 copies). The SPR1NT study also looked at how well children could perform specific motor skills, maintain weight without feeding support, and breathe on their own (respiratory status).

Children with 2 copies of SMN2  gene

Who was Studied

14 children with 2 copies of the SMN2  backup gene and no known symptoms of SMA participated in the study. All were under 6 weeks old—their average age was 20.6 days.

This study followed children up to 18 months of age.

What Were the Goals of the Study?

The main goal for this study was to look at the ability of children to sit independently (functional, independent sitting) for ≥30 seconds (Bayley-III* item 26) before they were 18 months old.

The SPR1NT study also evaluated event-free survival in children at 14 months of age, as well as the ability to maintain their weight at or above the 3rd percentile without nutritional support before they were 18 months old. This is based on WHO Child Growth Standards.

*Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd edition (Bayley-III).

Without the need for permanent ventilation support consisting of ≥16 hours of respiratory assistance per day continuously for ≥14 days.

The World Health Organization (WHO) created the WHO Child Growth Standards to chart physical growth.


Children achieved and maintained the motor milestones assessed in the presymptomatic SPR1NT study

Sit Independently


(14/14) of children with 2 copies of SMN2  could sit independently
(30 seconds or more) as measured by Bayley-III

In the natural history (untreated) of SMA Type 1, children are not able to sit.

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11/14 children who achieved sitting independently did so within the normal development window for this milestone according to WHO-MGRS. The normal window of achievement for sitting without support is between 4 and 9 months of age (WHO-MGRS).§

§The World Health Organization Multicentre Growth Reference Study (WHO-MGRS) is a standardized timeline for motor development in unaffected children.

Children reached age-appropriate milestones.
Typically, clinical studies use standardized measurement scales to assess the progress and achievements of participants. In the SPR1NT study, the Bayley-III was used to determine children’s motor skills compared to what is expected for a typical developing child. The WHO-MGRS (World Health Organization Multicentre Growth Reference Study) was used to provide a timeline for motor milestone development in unaffected children.

Stand Without Assistance


(10/14) of children stood without assistance (10 seconds or more) as measured by WHO-MGRS

5/10 did so within an age-appropriate time.

Walk Without Assistance


(10/14) of children walked without assistance (5 steps or more) as measured by WHO-MGRS

6/10 did so within an age-appropriate time.



(14/14) of children reached a CHOP INTEND|| score of 58 or higher at any visit up to 18 months of age and 93% (13/14) achieved a score of 60 points or higher

||Children had improvement in motor function as assessed by CHOP INTEND, or the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders. This test was created to measure the motor development of children with SMA Type 1. The CHOP INTEND scale ranges from 0 to 64, with higher scores indicating better function.

Gross Motor Skills


(9/14) of children had gross motor skills similar to same-aged children without SMA at the end of the study

Movement of large muscles in arms, legs, and torso.

Gross motor function was measured by the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, a well-accepted, standardized tool to assess the development of children between the ages of 1 and 42 months and compared to a standardized norm. Part of this tool looks at the ability to make large muscle movements, like moving from one place to another.

Fine Motor Skills


(14/14) of children had fine motor skills similar to same-aged children without SMA at the end of the study

Bayley-III Fine Motor Scores were used to determine children’s fine motor skills compared to what is expected for a typical developing child. This tool looks at the ability to make small muscle movements, like grasping and holding objects.

Survival/Breathe Without Support


(14/14) of children were alive and free of permanent ventilation

Permanent ventilation means a tracheostomy or the need for a machine to help with breathing for at least 16 hours a day for 2 weeks or more.

Maintain Weight


(13/14) of children in the 2-copy group maintained a normal weight (≥3rd percentile for age and gender)

This study determined whether children were able to maintain weight within a normal range (at or above the 3rd percentile for age and gender as defined by WHO guidelines) without the need for non-oral/mechanical feeding support at any visit up to 18 months of age (which was the end of the study).

See the safety profile of ZOLGENSMA

Review the data

As of 2020, experts recommend all babies diagnosed with SMA at birth and who have 2 to 4 copies of SMN2  should be treated for SMA as early as possible in order to stop disease progression—whether or not they are showing symptoms.Get your child started with ZOLGENSMA.


Important Safety Information

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What is the most important information I should know about ZOLGENSMA?

  • ZOLGENSMA can increase liver enzyme levels and cause acute serious liver injury or acute liver failure which could result in death.
  • Patients will receive an oral corticosteroid before and after infusion with ZOLGENSMA and will undergo regular blood tests to monitor liver function.
  • Contact the patient's doctor immediately if the patient's skin and/or whites of the eyes appear yellowish, if the patient misses a dose of corticosteroid or vomits it up, or if the patient experiences a decrease in alertness.

What should I watch for before, during, and after infusion with ZOLGENSMA?

  • Infections before or after ZOLGENSMA infusion can lead to more serious complications. Caregivers and close contacts with the patient should follow infection prevention procedures. Contact the patient's doctor immediately if the patient experiences any signs of a possible infection such as coughing, wheezing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, or fever.
  • Decreased platelet counts could occur following infusion with ZOLGENSMA. Seek immediate medical attention if the patient experiences unexpected bleeding or bruising.
  • Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) has been reported to generally occur within the first two weeks after ZOLGENSMA infusion. Seek immediate medical attention if the patient experiences any signs or symptoms of TMA, such as unexpected bruising or bleeding, seizures, or decreased urine output.
  • There is a theoretical risk of tumor development with gene therapies such as ZOLGENSMA. Contact the patient’s doctor and Novartis Gene Therapies, Inc. (1-833-828-3947) if a tumor develops.

What do I need to know about vaccinations and ZOLGENSMA?

  • Talk with the patient's doctor to decide if adjustments to the vaccination schedule are needed to accommodate treatment with a corticosteroid.
  • Protection against influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is recommended and vaccination status should be up-to-date prior to ZOLGENSMA administration. Please consult the patient's doctor.

Do I need to take precautions with the patient's bodily waste?

Temporarily, small amounts of ZOLGENSMA may be found in the patient's stool. Use good hand hygiene when coming into direct contact with patient body waste for one month after infusion with ZOLGENSMA. Disposable diapers should be sealed in disposable trash bags and thrown out with regular trash.

What are the possible or likely side effects of ZOLGENSMA?

The most common side effects that occurred in patients treated with ZOLGENSMA were elevated liver enzymes and vomiting.



ZOLGENSMA is a prescription gene therapy used to treat children less than 2 years old with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). ZOLGENSMA is given as a one-time infusion into a vein. ZOLGENSMA was not evaluated in patients with advanced SMA.

The safety information provided here is not comprehensive. Talk to the patient's doctor about any side effects that bother the patient or that don't go away.

You are encouraged to report suspected side effects by contacting the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or, or Novartis Gene Therapies, Inc. at 1-833-828-3947.

Please see the FullPrescribing Information.

Tap or scroll down to read full Important Safety Information and IndicationArrow icon

Important Safety Information

What is the most important information I should know about ZOLGENSMA?

  • ZOLGENSMA can increase liver enzyme levels and cause acute serious liver injury or acute liver failure which could result in death.
  • Patients will receive an oral corticosteroid before and after infusion with ZOLGENSMA and will undergo regular blood tests to monitor liver function.
  • Contact the patient’s doctor immediately if the patient’s skin and/or whites of the eyes appear yellowish, if the patient misses a dose of corticosteroid or vomits it up, or if the patient experiences a decrease in alertness.

What should I watch for before, during, and after infusion with ZOLGENSMA?

  • Infections before or after ZOLGENSMA infusion can lead to more serious complications. Caregivers and close contacts with the patient should follow infection prevention procedures. Contact the patient’s doctor immediately if the patient experiences any signs of a possible infection such as coughing, wheezing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, or fever.
  • Decreased platelet counts could occur following infusion with ZOLGENSMA. Seek immediate medical attention if the patient experiences unexpected bleeding or bruising.
  • Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) has been reported to generally occur within the first two weeks after ZOLGENSMA infusion. Seek immediate medical attention if the patient experiences any signs or symptoms of TMA, such as unexpected bruising or bleeding, seizures, or decreased urine output.
  • There is a theoretical risk of tumor development with gene therapies such as ZOLGENSMA. Contact the patient’s doctor and Novartis Gene Therapies, Inc. at 1-833-828-3947 if a tumor develops.
  • Infusion-related reactions may occur during and after ZOLGENSMA infusion. Seek immediate medical evaluation if signs and symptoms of infusion-related reaction occur which may include rash, hives, vomiting, shortness of breath, respiratory symptoms, and/or changes in heart rate and blood pressure.

What do I need to know about vaccinations and ZOLGENSMA?

  • Talk with the patient’s doctor to decide if adjustments to the vaccination schedule are needed to accommodate treatment with a corticosteroid.
  • Protection against influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is recommended and vaccination status should be up-to-date prior to ZOLGENSMA administration. Please consult the patient’s doctor.

Do I need to take precautions with the patient’s bodily waste?

Temporarily, small amounts of ZOLGENSMA may be found in the patient’s stool. Use good hand hygiene when coming into direct contact with patient body waste for one month after infusion with ZOLGENSMA. Disposable diapers should be sealed in disposable trash bags and thrown out with regular trash.

What are the possible or likely side effects of ZOLGENSMA?

The most common side effects that occurred in patients treated with ZOLGENSMA were elevated liver enzymes and vomiting.



ZOLGENSMA is a prescription gene therapy used to treat children less than 2 years old with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). ZOLGENSMA is given as a one-time infusion into a vein. ZOLGENSMA was not evaluated in patients with advanced SMA.

The safety information provided here is not comprehensive. Talk to the patient’s doctor about any side effects that bother the patient or that don’t go away.

You are encouraged to report suspected side effects by contacting the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or, or Novartis Gene Therapies, Inc. at 1-833-828-3947.

Please see the Full Prescribing Information.

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The information provided in this site is intended only for audiences of the United States. This information does not take the place of talking to your health care professional about medical conditions and treatments. If you have questions about ZOLGENSMA after reading this information, ask your health care professional.

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