The OneGene Program supports your family at every step
Treated at 14 months old
The OneGene Program supports your family at every step
The OneGene Program® is a one-on-one support offering for you and your child who has been prescribed the one-time ZOLGENSMA® (onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi) treatment.
Once the signed patient consent form and the ZOLGENSMA prescription form are submitted, you'll be enrolled in the OneGene Program and you will meet your Family Ambassador who will be your main, dedicated point of contact. In addition, you will also have the support of the Case Coordinator, who will work closely with your doctor, Family Ambassador, and you to help your child start on ZOLGENSMA.
The OneGene Team members are there for additional support and do not take the place of the medical expertise your doctor provides. For specific medical questions and guidance, please check with your doctor to receive the most accurate and appropriate information.
Family Ambassador
- Answers questions you have related to SMA and ZOLGENSMA, and walks you through the steps to prepare for before and after treatment
- Identifies program resources based on the needs of your child and your family
- Answers questions you may have about health insurance coverage
- Provides information about local, regional, and national SMA advocacy organizations and support groups where you can find resources that may be helpful for you and your family on theCure SMA Community Support website
Your Family Ambassador is a reassuring voice to speak with whenever you need the support
Case Coordinator
- Discusses financial assistance options with you based on your eligibility
- Answers insurance questions and provides appropriate resources to your doctor
- Keeps track of ZOLGENSMA treatment from prescription through arrival for your child’s infusion
Your Case Coordinator is there to provide you with additional support and will work with your doctor so you can focus on your child
At the OneGene Program, we have one goal—to support your family throughout the treatment journey with ZOLGENSMA
Enroll in the OneGene Program to learn more and start receiving support and resources
Call the OneGene Program
at 855-441-GENE (4363),
Monday-Friday (8:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET)
Help with paying for treatment may be available
The OneGene Program may help you find programs that provide additional financial resources to support you and your family. Your Case Coordinator will share information with you on available financial assistance based on your specific situation, including:
The ZOLGENSMA CopayAssist™ Program for eligible, commercially insured US residents
Novartis Gene Therapies Patient Assistance Program for ZOLGENSMA is available for qualified patients and their families. Contact OneGene for more information